Pastor’s Corner: Easter is…

By Dennis Morales

I am the resurrection and the life…”  John 11:25

          When I think of Easter, I have cool memories of visiting family, going to church in brand new clothes, having conversations over big meals, eating chocolate like there’s no tomorrow, getting chocolate on those brand new clothes, and don’t forget the peeps!   Easter carries with it so many family traditions.  Easter for some can be bittersweet as we have fond memories of loved ones missed.  But we must not forget what Easter actually is.  It is about death and resurrection of life. 

Death is something that grips the world with fear.  Jesus often confronted death in His earthly ministry.  This was an occasion where one of Jesus’ good friends had passed away.  It was at the grave of Lazarus that Jesus wept.  He wept because He knew that death wasn’t part of God’s original plan.  God’s intention wasn’t for mankind to experience suffering and death.  Jesus wept because of the effect of sin over the world and because He saw the pain it caused in His friends Mary and Martha.  Martha told Jesus that if He had been there earlier, they wouldn’t be mourning.  Jesus’ response still resonates throughout time.  He said “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:25).  It’s interesting that in scripture we find that Jesus broke up every funeral He ever attended. Death could not exist where He was. When the dead heard His voice they sprang to life.   This Easter remember what Easter really is.  Jesus met death Himself, but the grave could not hold Him.  He rose.  If you put your faith in Jesus, the Bible says that you will live forever in the presence of God.  Jesus defeated death once for all (Hebrews 10:10).  Jesus is our living hope (1Peter 1:3).   

Calvary Chapel Eastvale meets Sundays 8:30 and 10:30am / Wednesdays 7pm @ Clara Barton Elementary (