His Cross

By Pastor Dennis Morales

Colossians 1:20 “…having made peace through the blood of His cross.”

Why a cross? When we see a cross today we may think of it as a symbol of Christian faith. Some wear it as a piece of fine jewelry and some hang it on a wall as an element of décor. In reality, the cross was the cruelest form of punishment known to man during Rome’s rule. It was known to the people of day as a bloody symbol of cruelty and torture. It was designed to humiliate a person. The cross was a brittle piece of wood and it was meant to bring the most excruciating pain allowing the slowest possible way of death. Truthfully, if there was any other means of forgiveness, I don’t think God would have allowed His Son to suffer in such a way. If we could access Heaven through good deeds and a moral life, the Bible says then Jesus would have “died in vain” (Galatians 2:21). But the fact is that Jesus did die because there was no other way and He paid the price of sin at the Cross. In Jesus, salvation is made available to the whole world. The “good news” is that death could not hold Him and that He rose! (1 Peter 1:3). Death died at the Cross (Hebrews 2:14). It has no more power! Have you doubted God’s love for you? Jesus willingly stretched out His arms on that Cross for you and me. Remember, it was love that held Jesus to the Cross. (Easter Service at Calvary: 9:30am).

Calvary Chapel Eastvale meets Sundays, 8:30am and 10:30am at the Eastvale Community Center. http://www.calvaryeastvale.org.