Animal Care Services: a Family Orientated Small Animal Hospital

Visit Animal Care Services at 3119 Hamner Ave, Norco, CA 92860 and can be reached at (951) 371-7120. You can also visit their website at


Norco – The newest small animal hospital in Norco is Animal Care Services (ACS). Established and opened in 2022, ACS is a brand-new business in an established building. Providing exceptional pet care to the residents of Norco and the surrounding areas is the guiding force of the entire staff. The Director of Operations has been an RVT (Registered Veterinary Technician) for many years and has taught and trained RVT students at a well-respected So. Cal university. Currently, ACS has five licensed RVT’s on staff supporting two full time veterinarians and helping to train the abundant veterinary assistants. Dr. Victoria Impett and Dr. Kimberly Simpson bring a collection of experience and expertise to the staff, with skills in soft tissue surgery, ultrasound and radiology and enhanced diagnostic skills. The entire staff, including service desk, boarding, grooming salon and spa, maintenance and administration have been handpicked for their work ethic and compassionate attitude towards the clients and their pets.

The building that houses ACS is unique and impressive. At over 20 thousand square feet, it contains an in-house pharmacy, a well-equipped lab with state-of-the-art diagnostic capability, new diagnostic equipment as well as ultrasound and radiology, two modernized surgical suites, seven exam rooms, a well-designed medical treatment area, a fully staffed and modern boarding facility, and ample parking. The size of the ACS hospital was designed to be an efficient working hospital and a teaching facility. The education of ACS clients is paramount as it supports a closer human-pet bond. The size of the ACS building allows for the hosting of continuing education classes for other veterinarians and RVT’s; taught by experts in varying veterinary disciplines. This philosophy of giving back to the community and the profession via education has always been a key principle of the vision of ACS.

ACS has been selected by Norco Animal Services for veterinary care, L.A and Riverside County Sheriff’s departments for boarding canines, various rescue organizations, and professional training programs including Platt College. Platt College’s Veterinary Technology Program trains students who desire to become RVT’s. The program utilizes the surgical facilities at ACS to enable surgical scrub nurse and anesthesia monitoring training for their students.

Animal Care Services offers full service veterinary care, boarding and grooming services. The staff consists of a team of professionals and individuals that are compassionate and dedicated to preserving and enriching the bond between pets and their human families. They promote education and are guided by empathy, honesty, commitment, collaboration and unwavering determination to serve the needs of patients, clients, and team. Their commitment is to continually evaluate how they are doing, with the aim of increasing client satisfaction by improving the quality of animal care through teaching, research, and the implementation of new technology.

Animal Care Services is located at 3119 Hamner Ave, Norco, CA 92860 and can be reached at (951) 371-7120. You can also visit their website at View their ad on page 11 of the Eastvale News for a new client coupon.